HRABAL PUBlished - shortfilm competition not only for beer drinkers

Hrabal PUBlished

„Vladimír a Bondy a já jsme měli tak rádi pivo, že jak přinesli první sklenici na stůl, zděsili jsme všichni celou hospodu, nabírali jsme pěnu rukama, pomazávali si obličeje a vtírali pěnu do vlasů jako židé mazající si pejzy cukrovou vodou, při druhém pivě jsme si dali repete pomazání pěnou, takže jsme se leskli a voněli pivem na sto honů. Hlavně ale – byla to recese – byla to exprese nadšení pro pivo a nadšení mládím, které z nás hýřilo. Byli jsme pivní frajeři...”

"Vladimír and Bondy and I liked beer so much, that, as soon as they brought the first glasses to the table, the three of us freaked out the entire pub, we scooped up the foam with our bare hands, smeared it on our faces and into our hair like Jews gelling their peyos with sugar water, with the same beer we offered a repeat performace of our beer foam anointment, so that we glistened and smelled of beer at a hundered paces. Most importantly though - it was a prank, of course- it was an expression of our enthusiasm for beer and our youthful zeal, which we were giving off. We were strapping young beer lads..."

(The scene "kurva fixx" was taken from Bohumil Hrabal's novel, the Fond Barbarians, which of course also can be seen in the movie based on the book. Něžný barbar, 1989, 88 mins, Directed by Petr Koliha)

Hrabal PUBlished
– shortfilm competition not only for beer drinkers –
for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Bohumil Hrabal (28 March 1914)
We would like a sho®t!


The Czech Center of Budapest and it’s partners announce a short film tender for the 100th anniversary of the birth of world wide famous Bohumil Hrabal. They accept shorts that was made for the occasion and/or also archive which presents the life, work or style of the famous writer in a genuine way. No category restriction, fiction, animation, experimental, music video and documentary are all welcome! Jiří Menzel the also world wide famous Czech director will contribute to the announcement of the details of the competition, who had a very good friendship with the Maestro that was reflected in many of his feature films. The international jury will include public figures, writers, actors and directors who had some sort of links to Hrabal.


  • main prize: €1.000.-
  • a weekend for two in Prague / Budapest
  • Czech style beer-dinner in Prague / Budapest
  • a barrel of beer
  • package of Hrabal’s books in Czech, Hungarian and English
  • more prizes can be donated, for details please contact the organizers!

Criterions of entry

The detailed terms & conditions can be found on BuSho Short Film Festival’s website, where you can also enter by filling out the online registration form and uploading the shorts.

The most important criterions are in relation to the length of the shorts:

  • Archive – must have been made before 1997 in the living years of Hrabal, maximum length of 30 mins.
  • New film – must have been made after 1997 the death of Hrabal, maximum length of 15 mins.

All films must be sent with English subtitle!
Deadline: 31-December-2013.
Entry is free of charge!


Will be held between 6-13 July 2013 as 7th GomBuSho multicultural creative camp, where an assigned topic to Hrabal will allow participants to create something for the Hrabal PUBlished competition. All the works made in the workshop will be showcased at 9th BuSho International Shortfilm Festival in a frame of a thematic section.

Press conference with Jiří Menzel on at 6pm on 11-April-2013 in VAM Design Center


More informations

Gábeli Tamás, vagy +36/1-422-10-83

Gál Róbert, vagy +36/1-462-50-68


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