16. BUDAPEST SHORT FILM FESTIVAL, 1st – 6th of September 2020.
Puskin Cinema / Art+ Cinema / Istituto Italiano Di Cultura / Instituto Cervantes / Sopron Búgócsiga
Fiction, animation and experimental shorts from the world, Partnerfestivals, workshop fllms, concerts.
Student Jury / International Jury: 3 main prize / 7 category awards / 2 NFI special prize for the best Hungarians.
More details: www.busho.hu
In the first week of September, the BuSho International Short Film Festival will be held for the 16th time, and despite the uncertain conditions this year, the audience will be welcomed with a lot of programs. The venues have been slightly reorganized, as the central venue for the competitions will be again at the Puskin Cinema and the evening repeat screenings will be at the Art+ Cinema, but this time the opening on Tuesday and the Saturday awards ceremony will take place at the Italian Cultural Institute. The festival will continue to present the competition program in 15 one-hour blocks within 3 days after the opening on Tuesday evening, following the well-established schedule, but of course there will be Hungarian and international panorama screenings as well, other festival and workshop presentations and concerts dureing the week, before the Saturday evening award ceremony.
This spring, the five-member pre-jury watched the approximately one thousand short films entered, of which 66 short films from 23 countries, 45 fiction, 16 animation and 5 experimental works were finally selected to the competition. The 66 shorts selected by Annaida Orosz, Ágnes Böjte, Levente Galambos, László Rimóczi, Éva Török will compete for the BuSho sculptures at the festival, in front of 2 more juries who will watch the films on the spot. For several years now, with the help of film teachers and colleagues, the Student Jury has been recruiting delegations from 4 high education institutions, this time Bence Hlavay (MOME), Sára Mihálykövi (SZFE), Zsófia Osztós (METU) and Sára Judit Elek (ELTE) have been invited. And despite this year's turbulent circumstances, the international jury was joined by Portuguese Carla Isabel Magro Dias, producer and program curator, director of the Fike Évora Festival, Paul Bruce, screenwriter, director, producer, director of the Edinburgh Short Film Festival in Scotland, Dér Asia, documentary film director, founding member of MADOKE, former BuSho pre-jury member and our permanent BuSho jury member, Wolfgang Leis, International Jury Coordinator. In the evenings, it will be possible to exchange ideas with them at the public jury consultations, which are the highlight of the day, to which, of course, we also invited all Hungarian filmmakers. So they will decide on the 3 main and 7 category prizes to be awarded at the festival and on the special prize of HUF 500,000 twice offered by the National Film Institute, which will be awarded for the best Hungarian animation and fiction film! As in previous years, a weekly ticket will be distributed again in the offer of Sziget Kft., which is an full weekly ticket for a mini crew with a rotation permit to Sziget 2021!
Previous Sundance, Cannes and BAFTA nominees will reappear in this year’s competition program and will be announced with a trailer on our Facebook event every night for the last 2 weeks as a kind of appetizer, which we’ve dissected in detail in an article on the BuSho website. Among the Hungarian works competing at home in the international field, we find more returning contestants, like Simon Szabó, Rozália Szeleczki or Anna Gyimesi, but even among foreigners there are artists who have visited us before, Florian Grolig from Germany or Josef Brandl. who, along with other competitive filmmakers, indicated their intention to participate. Once again, there will be a Hungarian panorama day, on which all Hungarian works that have not entered into the competition will be screened, and for which it will be worth redeeming free admission to the Amarcord hall of the Puskin Cinema from 10 am on the Saturday before the award ceremony. Among the accompanying programs is the selection of 15 years BuSho bestof, which will be shown every night after the competition films in the Puskin cinema and contains real delicacies from the last decade and a half. New program – new venue is the motto of the first premiere of the FESTINET Short Film Festival network at the Cervantes Institute on Thursday evening, in which delegates from 8 countries will be shown with a Spanish introductory film, with personal interpretation by the director. Once again, Italian, Portuguese and Scottish short film selections will take place in the Fellini Hall of the Italian Cultural Institute in the evenings, hosted by the invited performers, and international panorama screenings will be shown in parallel with the Hungarian panorama in Puskin Cinema on Saturday. After the opening, the unmissable Gyuri Ferenczi and the Rackajam will perform again, this time with an Unplugged concert that will throw up the atmosphere in the Verdi Hall with exceptional acoustics. Our other performer this year will give a real club concert at Wombat’s Hostel on Thursday night, the improvisational band recruited by Kristóf Nagy, and they are the Seven seconds in the Future!
Finally, we would like to thank our supporters for the 16th event, the National Film Institute, the National Cultural Fund, the Hungarian Academy of Arts, the Italian Cultural Institute, the Austrian Cultural Forum, the Camoes Portuguese Institute, the Cervantes Institute and the Slovenian Embassy. As a cooperating partner, the welcome packages were provided by the Budapest Festival and Tourism Center. The awards made by Solide Art Studio were supported by the National Film Institute, Sziget Kft., the Mozgóképmás Assosciation Sopron, and our media sponsors continue to be Filmvilág, Filmhu, Fotovideo Magazin and Klub Rádió! So there will be an international cavalcade again at the beginning of September in Budapest and next week in the Sopron Búgócsiga, which the organizers are looking forward to, opening on Tuesday, September 1 at 19:00, more details at www.busho.hu. Attention! Including the performing artists at the Italian Cultural Institute, 300 people can be in the Verdi Hall and 70 people in the Fellini Hall at the same time. Those entering the Institute can measure the body temperature, everyone should have a mask in their pocket, we hope it will not be needed, up-to-date information can be found here: https://koronavirus.gov.hu