Honestly, I’ve been thinking over these years after each award ceremony, that although Hungary is not at all a corrupt country, people may think we are voting for home when awarding so many Hungarian shorts. I won’t start proving how much we do not influence the jury’s decision, but by looking back to their picks from the previous years, how could one not notice the high numbers of Hungarian shorts being awarded? The Festival’s initiative at the very beginning was to make an event in which Hungarians can compete in international level, in order to close the gap of quality difference. Then a decade went by and now it seems we not only closed up, but almost pass them by. Let’s speak openly, no doubt the Hungarian shorts are indeed good, encouriging, imaginative, sensitive, expressive and so on. This is why I came up with the idea to give you a sample of this year’s Hungarian shorts prior to the festival.

Let’s start with the outstanding ones: the 45th annual Student Academy Award selection was made out of 1582 entries. The competition has 7 categories and 39 films among them again a Hungarian piece. István Kovács who already won a Gold Busho for Betonzaj (The sound of concrete), this time his Ostrom (Siege) made it to the fiction category. The film is set in the war destroyed Sarajevo, where a woman wishes to wash her hair so goes out to search for water. Over the past two years two shorts of SZFE were selected into this competition: Szép alak (Beautiful figure) by Hajni Kis in 2016,while Ádám Freund’s Földiek (Earthlings) last year. Only the Baden-Wüttenberg Film Academy achieved similar of the international filming schools. Some of their shorts will also be on screen at 14th BuSho Festival.

Then again Hajni Kis: followed her success on Friss Hús this spring, her Last Call was awarded as the best student movie in Sarajevo Festival. The story tells about an elderly woman’s last day, before leaving the country in order to relocate and join her daughter abroad. But see the shorts in daily, chronological order:

Barnabás Tóth would be the first to mention of the returning filmmakers, who gives us a story of two translator guys on a fridge manufacturer’s conference in Susotázs. Róbert Odegnál’s Single Player foreshows the shocking future of computer addiction as the new alcoholism. Lemon Mignon as the last supper in a woman’s life from Dasha Koroleva. Growing up is emotionally challanging and Máté Brauner shows itt o us in Lauretta, through a relationship between mother and daughter.

The Hungarian animation line up can also be considered strong competitors. Such as Marmaids and Rhinos of Viktória Traub, in which a young girl’s memories of a domestical issue come to live in visions. Off Season by Orsolya Láng gives us an insight of a small fishing town’s every days that all seem to be the same routine. Olivér Hegyi’s Take me Please represents the aftermaths of a fallen relationship with good humor yet deep sorrow. An ordinary end of the world in Fall of Rome from Balázs Turi, by the story of the Radium family.

The previously animation winner Péter Vácz came up with a fiction short this time round, in Pillowface an introvert man makes company for himself in a hotel room using the pillow. Academy award winner Kristóf Deák’s Best Game shows it when two security guy realize that an AI softwer is slowly taking over their job. An old mand refuses to facet he fact that his retirement day is here in Cubeman by Linda Dombrovszky. Similar topic on the plate in Anna Gyimesi’s Fourty Years, highlighting the difficulties of farewell. Wonderpussy by Rozális Szeleczki is a shockingly humorous piece about a girl who is about to experience her first ever sexual intercourse with her lover.

Obviously there will be several other excellent shorts will be on show beside the above ones at BuSho Festival, for exapmle Réka Bucsi with two shorts, as he EFA nominees can only be seen at BuSho. Her films are Love and a Danish cooproduction Solar Walk in the Panorama section on Saturday. So, all film fans are welcome to join us at the 14th BuSho Festival in the last week of August for a meaningful time out.


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