2014. Dec. 27. 12:28
BuSho Archivum 2009
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Australian short won the 5th BUSHO International Short Film Festival
The 5th BUSHO International Short Film Festival awards were announced on 5th September at19:00. During the full-house screenings from Wednesday to Friday, the 5-member International Jury watched 94 entries in the competition section. The Hungarian member, Ildik— Enyedi film director, explained the jury's decision as follows:
"The film explores the almost unaproachable depth of a child's soul in a disciplined, strict and highly sensitive film language." The Golden BUSHO prize, which apart from the statue and the award package also included EUR 1000 offered by the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture, went to the Australian Rene Hernandez with his film The Ground Beneath.
The Silver BUSHO Award was won by Clement Michel's film, Baby. In this picture we can follow the difficulties of an ordinary man throughout 17 minutes who slowly realises that fatherhood has opened up new dimensions in his life.
And finally, a Hungarian winner for the Bronze BUSHO: Zoltán Gayer and Péter Molnár with The Caroussel Rite, an earlier awarded short of the Hungarian Film Week.