
2007. Oct. 1. 12:37

BuSho On The Road Again

After the succesful 3rd festival  „the international situation is escalating”, and BuSho is on its European tour again! Additionally to the screenings inland (HDU, Szemlétek, Utolsó csepp, Gyerekszem) we took part at Magma Festival in Sicily and at La Imagen Del Sur in Cordoba at the end of September. In October we were present at Brno 16 –according to precedent, and in november we are going to come out at a new event, Euroshorts in Warsaw.

2007. Sep. 1. 12:38

ANNO has gained the sympathy of the public too

The public vote following the Gizmosho Animation Workshop is ended. The film entitled Anno by Fogarasi Gergely – which was prized by the 3-member-jury of the Workshop, too- has taken the majority of votes: more, than one quarter of these, alone! The director has taken his mission very seriously, You will see, if You click on this link:





2007. Aug. 3. 12:40

And the winner is: Offside

The main prize of the 3rd BuSho festival is won by the film entitled Offside ( Erez Tadmor, Guy Nattiv, Israel). The Silver Busho went to two Hungarian creators: Simonyi Balázs and Tóth Barnabás for the film „One vote” („Egy szavazat”), while the third step of imaginary stand could have been taken by Felix Stienz (Germany) for the film „Ladenhüter”. In the picture you can see the member of our jury, Kis-Bocz Éva with the prize.

Tovább >>
2007. Jul. 28. 12:43


We fondly invite everyone at 18.30 on 3rd August, at the Cultural Centre of Almássy Square to the official opening of the 3rd BuSho Film Festival. The festival is going to be opened by Groó Diana, film director. Dr. Schneider Márta, cultural under-secretary has accepted the title 'major patron' of the festival, the moderator is going to be Galamb.





2007. Jun. 28. 12:46


An animation workshop organized by UPC operating the site VideoGizmo, Busho Festival and Hipokaloric Group will be held at the Cultural Centre of Almássy Square during the week prior to BuSho Festival. The 15 filmmakers chosen by the pre-jury will have the possibility to attend the 8-day workshop for free. Entries are expected until 20th July.



2007. Jun. 27. 12:51


The number of shorts entered to the festival has been doubled again this year -just as in 2006, so we have 360 films- a number not negligible even at an international rate. These 70 hours of motion picture caused some difficulties to the pre-jury, but they heightened the nivo of the festival at the same time. The 116 films of the competition program have been put into 22 blocks which cover all 4 days of the festival - setting a hard task to the international jury. See the schedule

Tovább >>
2007. Jun. 26. 12:54

IVF Folk and Roll

The program of the IVF Folk & Roll world music concert series has been finalized.

The Visegrad countries send their renowned folk-rock bands each evening.

On stage will jam: Druzina from Slovakia, Rackajam from Hungary, Chudoba from Poland and Gothart from the Czech Republic.




2007. Jun. 25. 14:16


After last year’s aid concert, we would like to continue the series, and give a helping hand to our excellent friend, Papp Gábor, who helped us: composed, and played music to our films. But then he didn’t even know about a disease called Multiple Sclerosis...



Tovább >>
2007. May. 28. 14:20


Megszületett a 3. BuSho Fesztivál versenyprogramja, miután az előzsűri (Mag-Rimóczi-Ganczer) majd’ egy héten át tartó megfeszített munkával, mintegy 350 (azaz 60 óra) rövidfilm megtekintése után meghozta eddigi legnehezebb döntését. Mivel a tavalyi évhez hasonlóan, újra megduplázódott a nevezett filmek mennyisége és a versenyprogram időkorlátai sajnos végesek, ezért a rengeteg jó film tiszteletére egy új kategóriát hoztunk létre, mely a kiemelt információs filmeket tartalmazza majd.

Tovább >>
2007. May. 27. 14:24

Dissection of film festivals on

The 2nd part of the article dissecting the financial background of Hungarian film festivals -among others BuSho- in base of the decision of MMK has been published last week on
2007. Apr. 27. 14:32

MAFSZ Film Mostra in Siófok

The Association of Indipendent Hungarian Filmmakers awaits entries into the competition of the 54. HUNGARIAN INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL (Siófok. 17.-20.May, 2007)  until 3. May! The experience will be diversified by exhibitions, bingo-competitiom and Kiscsillag concert. Details here! 
2007. Apr. 26. 15:23


The 3rd BuSho International Short Film Festival excepts the entries in the usual categories: short fiction, animated and experimental. Most important change is that the deadline for entries has been brought forward to:
3. May 2007.




2007. Mar. 28. 15:27

Merciful Faludi Academy

The Faludi Ferenc Academy has announced its 12th thematical international amateur film mostra and the respective film application. Its title is Kegyelem (Mercy).







2007. Feb. 28. 15:38


The 3rd BuSho International Short Film Festival excepts the entries in the usual categories: short fiction, animated and experimental. Most important change is that the deadline for entries has been brought forward to:
3. May 2007.

2007. Feb. 27. 15:41

Parade awards related to BUSHO

The prize of the best director at the 38. Hungarian Film Parade was given to Szász János for Opium- diary of an insane woman. We assume that the idea of the film was busted from the brain of the director when he wakened from his extasy after the viewing of Ballads of Szexard...
- The award of best actress was given to Kovács Kata for her performance in Kythera - probably her success is caused partly by the positive aura of a certain side-acting football hooligan...
- Certificate of merit: Igor and Ivan Buharov for " Slow Mirror" - because we like the films dancing on the edge of the razor which divide the public opinion...
- The prize of best camera-man of the jury of the shorts:  was got by the cameraman of Alterego, Tóth Widamon Máté. This autumn the flat interiors are going to have great role even in our lives...

2007. Jan. 28. 15:46

\"Master\" riddle: what\'s that?

It was present at various festivals 83 times, got 40 prizes and now it has an Oscar nomination. The solution is: MAESTRO.
The animated short film lasting almost 5 minutes of M. Tóth Géza was chosen among the best 5 by the American Film Academy. After 26 years when Ferenc Rófusz won an Oscar with his animated cartoon entitled The fly now the director teaching at the faculty of animation of the University of Handicrafts got really close to the possibility of getting the golden statuette.
 The story of the "Maestro" – a kind, committed artist - and of his precise and humorous helpmate leads us to a special world both visually and emotionally. There is nobody who can resist their little world- from which the mantle falls down at the end of the film. We trust: they are going to feel this way even in America.
At 25. February let’s root for the the favourite of many of us: for "Maestro" which got two prizes at BuSho 2006!

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